Tokens Studio

Tokens Studio Platform sync setup guide

Tokens Studio has a standalone web-based platform for dynamic creation and management of design decisions, currently in Beta!

How it works

  • Set up a project in Tokens Studio
  • For your organization, create an API Key in Tokens Studio
  • Configure Tokens Studio as a sync provider within the plugin.
  • Seamlessly sync your design tokens between Figma and Tokens Studio to maintain consistency across design and development workflows.

Tokens Studio sync setup Instructions

If you haven't already, sign up for an account at Tokens Studio. Note that sign-ups will be waitlisted, so you'll need to be invited to the Beta first.

1. Create a new project

Once you've logged into your Tokens Studio account:

  • Select New Project from the top-right corner of the home page
  • Give your project a title.
  • Now you are looking at the dashboard of your new project.
  • Locate the Connection String (ID of the project) on the right side of the page
  • Use the copy button to copy the connection string to your clipboard
  • Save the Connection ID and
  • Store it somewhere safe as it's needed for the plugin configuration.

2. Creating an API key

From your project dashboard, select the project name in the top left corner

  • Navigate to Settings
  • Select API Keys
  • Select Create API Key
  • Add a Name of what the API Key is for.
    • Example: figma-sync
      • Optional: add a description for the API key
  • Under Group select Power User or Admin (or Read-only if that's all you need)
  • Select Create key
  • Copy the generated API key and store it for later

Configuring Tokens Studio Plugin

In Figma, open the Tokens Studio plugin and navigate to the Settings page

  • Under the Sync providers section, select the Add new button to see a list of all token storage providers
  • Select Tokens Studio

3. Add credentials for Tokens Studio sync

You'll need the information saved from the steps above to complete the sync configuration form.


This is a nickname that shows up in the plugin settings page later on to identify this specific sync provider configuration.

  • Choose something memorable to you and your project.
  • Example: Hyma brand exploration


The API Key you created and saved from the steps above.

ID (connection string)

Enter the Connection String ID you copied and saved from the steps above.

  • This can typically be found in the project section of your Tokens Stdio sync dashboard.

4. Save credentials

Initially you will pull the tokens that you have stored in your project.

You can now go and either create tokens inside the plugin, or on the platform.

  • If you make changes on the platform there's a button in the bottom left of the plugin allowing you to pull the latest values.
  • If you make changes in the plugin, they will automatically be pushed to Tokens Studio on save.

Note that dynamic token sets (sets created as a graph) will be read-only in the plugin.

Last updated on July 15, 2024