Variables and Styles
Export to Figma options menu

Export to Figma options menu

The Export to Figma Options menu has important settings for creating or updating Styles and Variables connected to your Tokens.

In the plugin

Select the Styles & Variables Button from the Tokens page and choose Export Styles & Variables.

The Export to Figma Options menu is the first screen in the flow.

  • If you close the menu, you can open it using the Options button at the bottom of the Export to Figma modal.

Variable and Style type options

You select which Variable and Style type options you want to export each time you use this feature.

This allows you to Export a selection of your Tokens as Variables, for example, primitive colors, then another selection of Tokens as Styles, like your brand colors.

Or you are working on a new project, and your Color Styles are ready to export, but your Typography is not.

1. Variable type options


  • Creates Color Tokens as Variables String
  • Creates Text Tokens as string Variables Number
  • Creates Dimension, Number, Spacing, Sizing, Border Radius, Border Width, and Opacity Tokens as number Variables Boolean
  • Creates Boolean Tokens as Boolean Variables

2. Style type options


  • Creates Color Tokens as Styles Typography
  • Creates Typography Tokens as Styles Effect
  • Creates Box Shadow Tokens as Styles

You can export both Variables and Styles at the same time.

  • Except for Color, the plugin will block both options from being selected at the same time to prevent undesired outcomes.

Compatible Token Types

For the export to be successful, the Variable and Style types you select must be compatible with your Token Types.

→ Read the Export to Figma overview for a list of Token Types and their compatible Variable types.

Tokens exported to Figma should

The options under the Tokens exported to Figma should label perform additional functions while creating or updating the Variables and Styles types you've selected.

1. Ignore first part of Token Name for Styles

For Token Names that include groups, the Ignore first part of Token name for Styles option will export the Tokens as Styles with modified names.

This is helpful when your Token Names include prefixes intended for the Design System Team which are not helpful to see in Figma.

For example, a Token named mode-colors.brand.primary.default

With this option enabled will be created as a Style named: brand.primary.default

If your Token Names don't include any groups and you have this option enabled, the Token can't be exported, and you will see an error message from the plugin.

Some Styles were ignored due to Ignore first part of Token name setting

For example, a Token named mode-colors-brand-primary-default will have the whole name ignored by the plugin, and the Style can't be created without a name.

→ Read the Token Naming technical specs for more details on names with groups.

2. Prefix Styles with active Theme name

Multiple Tokens with the same name cannot be exported to the same Figma file as Styles.

When we set up themes in Design Tokens, we have multiple Tokens with the same name but unique values, which live in different Token Sets.

  • Token sets are then grouped into themes.

For example, we may have a Theme Group called color-modes with a few themes called:

  • light
  • dark
  • high-contrast

Each theme has a Token called mode-colors.brand.primary.default but a unique value. We can't export the same Token to Figma more than once.

So, if you want the color Styles for each theme exported to the same Figma file, you can enable the Prefix Styles with the active theme name setting.

In this example, you would need to run the Export to Figma three times, as each export will only prefix the active theme name.

  • Export 1 - Light theme active
    • Return to the themes dropdown, turn this theme off, then repeat with the next theme.
  • Export 2 - Dark theme active
    • Return to the themes dropdown, turn this theme off, then repeat with the next theme.
  • Export 3 - High-contrast theme active

After the three exports, you would see Styles in Figma named:

  • light/mode-colors/brand/primary/default
  • dark/mode-colors/brand/primary/default
  • high-contrast/mode-colors/brand/primary/default

→ Learn more about the Themes (pro) Feature

3. Create Styles with Variable references

You need to follow a few steps when you want to use Color Styles in Figma and have the value reference a Color Variable.

Step 1 - Export your Color Tokens to Figma as Variables from Themes or Tokens Sets

  • Ensure only the Tokens which will appear as the references in the color Styles are selected for export.

Step 2 - Export your Color Tokens to Figma as Styles from Themes or Tokens Sets

  • Ensure the Create Styles with Variable references option is selected.
  • Ensure only the Tokens you want to export as color Styles are selected for export.
  • Ensure your Themes and Token Sets are configured

Step 3 - Check the newly created Color Styles!

  • If the values are showing Hex codes instead of your Variables, don't worry!
  • Repeat step 2 and the plugin will be able to map your Variables to your color Styles.

→ Read the guide on Exporting to Figma Styles with Variable References #add-doc-link/export-Styles-Variable-references

3. Update existing Style and Variable names

When you update the names of Tokens in the plugin that are currently attached to Styles and Variables in Figma, the Update existing Style and Variable names setting ensures Figma will be updated with the new names.

This setting used to be located on the Plugin Settings Page previous to Version 2.0

5. Remove Styles and Variables without connection to a Token

When you remove Tokens in the plugin that are currently attached to Styles and Variables the Remove Styles and Variables without connection to a Token setting will remove those Styles and Variables from Figma.

This setting used to be located on the Plugin Settings Page previous to Version 2.0

Export as Themes or Token Sets

Once you've configured your Export Options, the plugin will bring you to the Export from Themes or Token Sets page.

  • If you have a Free licence for Tokens Studio, you will Export as Token Sets
  • If you have a Pro licence for Tokens Studio, will will be brought to the Export as Themes page
    • Pro licence holders can optionally export as Token Sets, which have limited capabilities compared to Exporting as Themes.

Read the Export to Figma from Themes guideRead the Export to Figma from Token Sets guide

Skipped Variables

Sometimes, the plugin skips exporting your Tokens to Figma even when you have the desired options configured correctly.

Read the Export to Figma Skipped Variables guide for more details


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