Plugin Settings
Base font size - rem value

Base font size setting

The Base Font Size provides the value for 1rem in the plugin.

This feature not only supports responsive design decisions but also ensures the adaptability of the design, similar to how engineers work in code.

When you assign a Token's value in rem units, the property is related to the Base Font Size, which the user of your product or website can adjust.

  • For example, if the user increases the font size or uses a zoom feature, all design properties defined in rem units will respond accordingly.

In contrast, design elements defined in pixels will remain the same regardless of the user settings.

Figma does not support rem units in Design Mode, but it will show a loose conversion of rem units in Dev Mode, always assuming 1rem = 16px.

In the plugin

When working with the Tokens Studio plugin for Figma, it automatically converts rem units to pixels for you.

The value of the Base Font Size is 16px by default, but it can be changed.

  • The plugin supports the value of the Base Font Size token to reference another token if desired.
  • This could be helpful for sophisticated token structures, where a different Base Font Size is defined for each brand or theme.

Read the Token Values with References guide for more details

View the current base font size setting

Navigate to the Settings Page in the plugin.

  • Scroll down to the Base Font Size section.

You will see:

  • The current value of 1rem unit

Change the base font size setting

Navigate to the Settings Page in the plugin.

  • Scroll down to the Base Font Size section.
  • Select the Change Button to the left of the current value being displayed.
  • The Change Base Font Size Modal will open
  • Enter a new value in the form field:
    • Hard-coded value in pixels
      • For example: 18px
    • Reference a token by typing it's name in curly brackets or selecting the dropdown button
      • For example: {rem-base}
      • The compatible token types you will see are number, dimension and fontSize
  • Select the Confirm Button to save your changes.
  • The new value for 1rem will appear in the Base Font Size settings.

Limitations and known issues

When working with the plugin's Base Font Size setting, there are a couple of things to be aware of.

The setting follows you across Figma files

The Base Font Size setting in the plugin is related to your Tokens Studio user account.

  • This means the setting is not specific to your Figma file or sync provider.
  • Changes made to this setting will apply to every Figma file.

If you work on many projects with different values for this setting, it is a good practice to check the Base Font Size value each time you open a new Figma file.

If the plugin can not find the token referenced in the setting, you will see a Broken Token icon next to the value as a reminder to change it.

Values to watch for

There is a known issue with the form field, where it accepts some values that it should not. Until the issue is fixed, you'll want to avoid:

  • Values with rem units
    • The plugin will drop the unit and assume the number is the value in pixels.
    • For example, 1rem will be 1px as the value
  • Empty value
    • The plugin will assume 16px when the input is empty.
  • Typos in the value
    • Incomplete references can be saved but will appear as broken on the settings page.
    • For example, {base-token is missing the closing curly bracket }


CSS resources:

Community resources:

  • None yet!

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Known issues and bugs

Tokens Studio Plugin GitHub - Open issues for Settings Base Rem Value

  • None yet

🐞 If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please reach out to us on the Troubleshooting channel of our community Slack, or submit it on our feedback tool.

Requests, roadmap and changelog

  • None

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