Token Storage and Sync

URL sync setup guide

If your Design Token storage is set up on a local server, you can access your Token files (via their URL) in the plugin using the URL Sync option.

URL Sync operates in read-only mode.

  • This means you can't use the Tokens Studio plugin to create or modify your design Tokens, but you can apply your Tokens to design elements in Figma.
  • You'll need to modify the Token JSON files stored on your server and pull the updates into the plugin.

This means the Design Tokens living in code are the source of truth for our design decisions, which can be shared between design and development teams.

This guide outlines how to access your Token files stored on your local server using the URL Sync provider option in the plugin.

→ Once set up, you can use the plugin's Pull feature to keep your Tokens in sync.

How it works

  • Once your Token JSON files are stored on your server, capture the URL.
  • Configure a new URL sync provider within the plugin.
  • Use the plugin to sync Design Token changes between your server and Figma design files.

URL sync setup instructions

If you haven't already, store your Design Token JSON files on your server.

Here's an example Token JSON file stored on a server URL.

1. Server URL

Copy the URL on your server where your Token JSON files are stored.

  • Store it somewhere safe, as it's needed for the plugin configuration.

2. Check server headers

Headers are the server authentication instructions for the plugin.

  • Refer to your server technical documentation for more details on headers.

If your server requires authentication:

  • Store the headers as a JSON object in the headers field.
  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin header must be *
  • Copy the required headers and
    • Store them somewhere safe, as they are needed for the plugin configuration.

Configuring Tokens Studio Plugin

In Figma, open the Tokens Studio plugin and navigate to the Settings page.

  • Under the Sync providers section, select the Add new button to see a list of all Token storage providers.
  • Select URL

Add credentials for URL sync

You'll need the information saved from the steps above to complete the Tokens Studio sync configuration form.

1. Name

This is a nickname that shows up in the plugin settings page later on to identify this specific sync provider configuration.

  • Choose something memorable to you and your project.
  • Example: Hyma brand exploration

2. URL

Enter the complete URL you saved from the step above.

3. Headers

The authentication headers you saved from the steps above.

Example: `("Some-Header-Key":SomeHeaderValue)

Save and do the initial sync

Save to confirm your credentials, and follow the prompts in the plugin to finish setting up the sync to your server.

→ Read the Add New Sync Provider guide for more details.

Shared source of truth

As you work in the plugin, pull indicators remind you to stay in sync with your URL storage.

→ Read the Push and Pull to Sync Provider guide for more details.

Once your Token JSON files are synced to your URL storage, you have a shared source of truth between Designers and Engineers!

Engineers typically transform Tokens used in code with Style Dictionary, which is tool-agnostic. Tokens coming from Tokens Studio require an additional step: @Tokens-studio/sd-transforms, an npm package that prepares Tokens for Style Dictionary.

The various Token Types supported by Tokens Studio have unique transforms to be aware of.

→ Jump to the Token Type overview.


Mentioned in this doc:

Community resources:

  • None yet!

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Known issues and bugs

Tokens Studio Plugin GitHub - Open issues for URL sync

🐞 If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please reach out to us on the Troubleshooting channel of our community Slack, or submit it on our feedback tool.

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