Token Types

Dimension token

The Dimension Token supports the size, space, radius, or position of specific elements within a design.

The primary difference between a Number Token and a Dimension Token is

  • Number tokens are intended to be unitless.
    • For example: 4
  • Dimension Tokens are required to have a unit of pixels or rem.
    • For example: 4px

Design decisions defined by Dimension Tokens

The Dimension Token is used for design decisions requiring a distance and unit of measurement for a specific property of a design element.

This doesn't match the CSS definition for Dimension, which focuses on distance, durations, frequencies, and resolutions.

  • Many of the properties supported by this token are individually defined in CSS.

Dimension Tokens can be used to define these design properties in Figma:

  • size
  • space
  • border-radius and width
  • absolute position location
  • background blur effects

This is a great way to define tokens that might be used in various use cases, such as a sizing scale applied to text elements, icons, and containers.

Dimension Tokens support responsive and static design properties:

  • Responsive - value in rem units
    • Example: 2rem applied as a min-height property on an auto-layout frame applies a 32px min-height value to the frame
  • Static - value in pixels
    • Example 32px applied as border-radius rounds the corner of a frame to 32px

Dimension Tokens can be attached to Number Variables in Figma. The plugin will automatically convert these to the pixel equivalent on export.

Jump to the Export to Figma overview for more details on Sizing Tokens as Variables

Design properties

A Dimension Token can define many design properties where a numeric value and unit of measurement is required.

  • You choose which side of the element you want to apply the token to by right-clicking on the token to see your options.
    • If you click to apply this token to an element without accessing the right-click token menu, the value will be applied as a spacing-gap property.

The following sections appear in the order of the Dimension Token menu.

1. Space

The Spacing property of the Dimension Token defines the distance between elements.

It must be applied to:

  • Auto-layout frames
  • If you apply the token to a frame before auto-layout is applied in Figma, you may have to remove and re-apply the token before it will work as expected.

You control which space property is applied by right-clicking on the Dimension Token and selecting the Spacing option.

  • Gap
    • Adds space between child elements within a parent container
  • All
    • Applies padding to all sides of the container
  • Horizontal padding
    • Applies padding to the left and right sides of the container
  • Vertical padding
    • Applies padding to the top and bottom sides of the container
  • Row gap
    • Adds vertical space between rows
    • It only works on Figma's auto-layout frame elements that are set to wrap.
  • Top
    • Applies space to the top side of the container
  • Right
    • Applies space to the right side of the container
  • Bottom
    • Applies space to the bottom side of the container
  • Left
    • Applies space to the left side of the container

Read Figma's doc on Autolayout here

2. Size

The Sizing property of the Dimension Token defines the height or width of container design elements, like frames, groups, and polygonal shapes.

You control which size property is applied by right-clicking on the Dimension Token and selecting the Sizing option.

  • All
    • Applies the same size value to both the width and height of an element
  • Width
    • Applies the horizontal size of an element
  • Height
    • Applies the vertical size of an element
  • Min width
    • Defines the smallest allowed horizontal size of an element but allows a larger size
    • It only works on Figma's auto-layout frame elements.
  • Max width
    • Defines the largest allowed horizontal size of an element but allows a smaller size
    • It only works on Figma's auto-layout frame elements.
  • Min height
    • Defines the smallest allowed vertical size of an element but allows a large size
    • It only works on Figma's auto-layout frame elements.
  • Max height
    • Defines the largest allowed vertical size of an element but allows a smaller size
    • It only works on Figma's auto-layout frame elements.

If you apply any of the min/max height/width properties to a frame before auto-layout is applied in Figma, you may have to remove and re-apply the token before it will work as expected.

Read Figma's doc on Autolayout here

3. Border radius

The Border radius property of the Dimension Token defines the roundness of the corner of container design elements, like frames, groups, and polygonal shapes.

You control which side of the element the token is applied to by right-clicking on the Dimension Token and selecting the Border radius option.

  • All
    • Rounds the corner of all sides of an element by the same value.
  • Top Left
    • Rounds the top-left corner of an element.
  • Top Right
    • Rounds the top-right corner of an element.
  • Bottom Right
    • Rounds the bottom-right corner of an element.
  • Bottom Left
    • Rounds the bottom-left corner of an element.

Read Figma's doc on corner radius here

4. Border width

The Border width property defines the thickness of a border applied to an element with a stroke property already applied.

  • Container design elements, like frames, groups, and polygonal shapes.
  • Text elements.

If you apply the Border Width property to an element before a stroke is applied in Figma, you may have to remove and re-apply the token before it will work as expected.

The plugin supports a Border Composite Token that allows you to reference a Border Width Token to avoid this issue.

Learn more about Border Composite Tokens

You control which side of the element the token is applied to by right-clicking on the Dimension Token and selecting the Border width option.

  • All
    • Stroke width of all sides of an element by the same value
  • Top Left
    • Stroke width to the top-left side of an element
  • Top Right
    • Stroke width to the top-right side of an element
  • Bottom Right
    • Stroke width to the bottom-right side of an element
  • Bottom Left
    • Stroke width to the bottom-left side of an element

Read Figma's doc on stroke properties here

5. Background blur

The background blur property of the Dimension Token defines the intensity of the Blur Effect in Figma.

It must be applied to container design elements, like frames, groups, and polygonal shapes with a reduced opacity color fill applied.

This token can't yet be Exported to Figma as a reusable Effect Style from the plugin in the same way that Shadow.

Read the Export to Figma Overview guide for more details

Read Figma's doc on Layer blur here

6. X and Y position

The x position and y position properties of the Dimension Token define the absolute position of the design element.

When the Dimension Token is applied to a design element as X position:

  • The element is absolutely positioned on the horizontal axis in relationship to the parent container.
  • If no parent container is present, it positions the element on the Figma canvas.

When the Dimension Token is applied to a design element as Y position:

  • The element is absolutely positioned on the vertical axis in relationship to the parent container.
  • If no parent container is present, it positions the element on the Figma canvas.

If you apply the x/y property to an element before enabling Absolute Position and Auto-layout in Figma, you may have to remove and re-apply the token before it will work as expected.

→ [Read Figma's docs on Absolute Position here](If you apply the Border Width property to an element before a stroke is applied in Figma, you may have to remove and re-apply the token before it will work as expected.)

Possible values

According to the W3C DTCG specification, the value of a Dimension Token must include a numeric value and a unit of measure, either Pixels (px) or Rems (rem).

Hard-coded values

When writing the hard-coded values for a Dimension Token you'll want to:

  • Avoid spaces
  • Include a number and unit of measure.
    • negative numbers are supported, but they may not apply to all design properties.
      • For example, -4px would work for a spacing property but not as a border radius property.

rem units (rem)

To support responsive design, you can define your Dimension Token in rem units, and the plugin automatically converts the value to the pixel equivalent.

  • For example, a Dimension Token with a value of 1rem, when applied as a will appear as 16px in Figma.

Rem Units act as a multiplier of the base font size, so when a user changes their preferences to a larger font size or uses a zoom feature in your product, elements defined in rem units will respond accordingly.

The value of 1rem can be configured in the plugin Settings for Base Font Size.

Read the guide on Base Font Size in the plugin

pixel units (px)

When you have design elements that should remain static even when users change their preferences, Dimension Tokens will be defined in pixels.

For example, a Dimension Token with a value of 4px.

Units not supported

The plugin only supports Dimension Tokens in pixels or rem units, to align with the W3C DTCG specification.

We do not support:

  • percentage (%)
  • em units

Values that reference another Token

When trying to reference another Token as the Value for a Dimension Token, you will see

  • Tokens living in Token Sets that are currently active.
    • In the left menu on the plugin's Tokens page, a checkmark is visible next to the Token Set name.
  • Token Type is compatible:
    • The same = dimension

However, like all token types, you can "force" a reference by manually entering the token name between curly brackets.

The value will show a broken reference until the originating token set is marked as enabled.

For example, if you want to reference a Number Token without a unit, you can force the reference by adding the token name, followed by the required unit for a Dimension Token.

You might write the value as:


Read the Token Values with References guide for more details

Compatible token types

After you've created Dimension Tokens, they can be referenced in these compatible Token Types:

You can also reference a Dimension Token in these additional Token Types; however, they are not recognized in the W3C DTCG specifications as official Token Types:

Values with math equations

All Token Types that accept numeric values can also accept math equations. However, referencing Dimension Tokens in our math equations may lead to unexpected results if there is a combination of pixel and rem units in the same equation.

Read the guide on Tokens with Math Values for more details.

W3C DTCG Token Format

dimension is an official token type in the W3C Design Token Community Group specifications.(8.2 Dimensions)

Dimension Tokens are a relatively new addition to the W3C DTCG specification, which defines this token as being applied to many different design properties.

If we want to fully align with the spec, it requires Tokens Studio to phase out the following legacy token types, which we introduced long before the Dimension Token was added to the spec:

There is no immediate plan to discontinue support of the Spacing Token.
We want to build a thoughtful solution to help Tokens Studio users migrate from these 'legacy token types' to Dimension Tokens if that time comes.

If you want to make your voice heard, we've set up a forum in Featurebase where you can leave your comments!!

Transforming Tokens

Engineers typically transform Tokens used in code with Style Dictionary, which is tool-agnostic. Tokens coming from Tokens Studio require an additional step: @Tokens-studio/sd-transforms, an npm package that prepares Tokens for Style Dictionary.

When transforming Dimension Tokens, there are specific configurations to be aware of.

Dimension Token Values entered as a number without a unit converted to a number with pixels as a unit.

SD-Transforms Read-Me Doc, ts/size/px

Dimension Token Values entered with math equations need to be checked and resolved.

SD-Transforms Read-Me Doc, ts/resolveMath

Running the SD-Transforms pre-processor as part of the generic package will prep your Dimension Tokens for Style Dictionary.

SD-Transforms Read-Me Doc, Using the preprocessor


Mentioned in this doc:

Figma resources:

CSS resources:

Community resources:

  • None yet!

💡 Something to share? Submit it here!

Known issues and bugs

Tokens Studio Plugin GitHub - Open issues for Token Type Dimension

  • Background blur > Figma values changed - Community Post on Featurebase
    • Figma is natively halving/doubling their background blur effect values, creating a disconnect between tokens managed by Token Studio and any parsed output.
    • Known CSS quirk which can be solved with a custom Style Dictionary transform

🐞 If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please reach out to us on the Troubleshooting channel of our community Slack, or submit it on our feedback tool.

Requests, roadmap and changelog

  • None yet!

💌 Visit to contribute or subscribe to updates.

Last updated on September 9, 2024