Token Format
Token formats W3C DTCG vs Legacy

Token formats W3C DTCG vs Legacy

In support of moving towards the W3C Specifications for Design Tokens, as managed by the Design Tokens Community Group (DTCG), you can choose a design token format (how tokens are written in their JSON files):

  • Current Tokens Studio "legacy" format
  • W3C DTCG spec format

What's the difference?

The DTCG format prefixes the properties of a design token in the JSON file with the dollar sign ($)

  • $value
  • $type
  • $description

Restrictions of special characters in token names are introduced to support this:

  • {
  • }
  • $

When creating token names with these characters, an error message appears, and the action is blocked.


  • The DTCG specifies additional token types and their accepted values, which we will support in future releases.

In the plugin

The choice of token format can be made for tokens stored:

  • Local (in file only)
  • Remote (sync to git providers)
    • Different branches can have different formats.

You can select a token format in two locations:

  • Plugin settings > sync/storage providers
  • Clicking the DTCG icon at the footer of the plugin
    • Only visible when synced to external storage

Settings page

On the plugin's settings page, you can see the Token Format being used in your file next to your token storage provider.

  • The default is legacy format
  • When you make the switch, you'll see W3C DTCG format

Tokens stored on the local document

If your tokens are stored locally in the Figma file (no external storage or sync providers), the Token format action is to the right of the local document option:

Tokens stored externally

When your tokens are stored externally via Sync providers the token format for the active sync provider will show.

The token format for other sync providers will be hidden.

Plugin sync actions

When synced to external storage, the current token format also appears at the bottom of the plugin alongside the other Sync provider actions.

It's possible for different branches of a sync provider to have different token formats, so you can select the Token format icon button to switch formats if needed.

→ Learn more about the Branch Switching (pro) feature

When you change formats:

Select the Token format indicator to start the process of changing formats.

  • A token format modal appears to explain the process.
  • Confirm your decision to switch formats.
  • The plugin will convert your token JSON files to the format of your choice.

If you are syncing to a remote storage provider

If you have unsaved changes that need to be sent to your Sync Provider, the plugin will prompt you to push changes so you don't lose your work.

The plugin will convert your token JSON files to the format of your choice.

  • A new branch is automatically created for you with updated JSON files.
  • The push changes modal will open.
  • A pre-filled commit message is added to help your engineers know what to do when they receive your changes.
  • Follow the prompts in the plugin to push changes to your sync provider.

You can change between the W3C DTCG and Legacy token formats at any time by following the steps above.

Transforming Tokens

Engineers typically transform tokens used in code with Style Dictionary, which is tool-agnostic. Tokens coming from Tokens Studio require an additional step: @tokens-studio/sd-transforms, an npm package that prepares tokens for Style Dictionary.

For each Token Type the SD-Transforms package will automatically convert the Tokens Studio specific Token Type to align with the DTCG Format Token Type where necessary.

SD-Transforms Read-Me Doc, Using the preprocessor

→ Jump to the Token Type Overview for more details

When your design token format is set to W3C DTCG Format using the steps above, you'll need to configure Style Dictionary to support this.

Style Dictionary V4 Utils - convertToDTCG


Mentioned in this doc:

Community resources:

  • None yet!

💡 Something to share? Submit it here!

Known issues and bugs

Tokens Studio Plugin GitHub - Open issues for Token Format

  • Add empty line when writing to files (sync providers + local export) #2970

Tokens Studio Plugin Github - Open issues for W3C DTCG

  • Remove composition tokens [#2800](# Remove composition tokens #2800)
  • Change boxShadow values from x and y to offsetX and offsetY #2052
  • Allow description in token groups #1811

🐞 If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please reach out to us on the Troubleshooting channel of our community Slack, or submit it on our feedback tool.

Requests, roadmap and changelog

  • None

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