Token Types

Other Token

The Other Token allows you to capture design decisions that don't fit any other Token Type.

This provides flexibility to define and use tokens tailored to your specific needs. However, when applied to design elements, they don't interact with the Figma UI in any capacity.

Design decisions defined by Other Tokens

Other Tokens can be used to define almost any design decision that works for you, your project and your team which aren't covered by an existing Token Type. For example:

  • Notes within your token sets you want to be surfaced to engineers.
  • Internal documentation.
  • Creating Tokens you don't want to interact with Figma.

Here are some creative ways the community is using Other Tokens:

  • Defining the CSS properties, like text alignment
  • Technical notes on where to find external documentation, like where to download a font family being used in the system.
  • Math equations referenced in Number or Dimension tokens to ensure they are preserved without cluttering the main token set.
    • For example:golden-ratio: 1.618

Possible Values

An Other Token can have any hard-coded value as needed, including:

  • String
  • Numeric with units
  • Numeric without units
  • Math equations

Values that reference another Token

When trying to reference another Token as the Value for an Other Token, you will see

  • Tokens living in Token Sets that are currently active.
    • In the left menu on the plugin's Tokens page, a checkmark is visible next to the Token Set name.
  • Token Type is compatible:
    • The same = other

However, like all token types, you can "force" a reference by manually entering the token name between curly brackets.

The value will show a broken reference until the originating token set is marked as enabled.

Jump to the Token Values with References guide for more details

W3C DTCG Token Format

Other is not an official Token Type in the W3C DTCG specifications.

Tokens Studio has added Other as a Token Type to offer flexibility for custom properties not covered by the standard types.

Transforming Tokens

Engineers typically transform Tokens used in code with Style Dictionary, which is tool-agnostic. Tokens coming from Tokens Studio require an additional step: @Tokens-studio/sd-transforms, an npm package that prepares Tokens for Style Dictionary.

When transforming Sizing Tokens, there are some specific configurations to be aware of.

The preprocessor in the SD-Transforms package will automatically convert the Tokens Studio specific properties to align with the DTCG Format.

SD-Transforms Read-Me Doc, Using the preprocessor

Token Values entered as a number without a unit will be converted to a number with pixels as a unit.

SD-Transforms Read-Me Doc, ts/size/px


Mentioned in this doc:

Community resources:

  • None yet!

💡 Something to share? Submit it here!

Known issues and bugs

Tokens Studio Plugin GitHub - Open issues for Token Type Other

🐞 If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please reach out to us on the Troubleshooting channel of our community Slack, or submit it on our feedback tool.

Requests, roadmap and changelog

  • None

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Last updated on September 9, 2024