Token Types
Border (composite)

Border Token

We add visual separation to design elements by composing several stroke-related design decisions together as a Border.

Border is considered a Composite Token.

Each design decision (color, border width, and stroke style) that is a part of the Composite Token is referred to as a property of the Border Token in our guides.

Design decisions

The Border Token defines the stroke styling properties for containers, text elements, and polygonal shapes.

The properties within the Border Token closely align with the border property in CSS.

Each property of the Border can be created to define an independent styling property and referenced within the Border Composite Token as a unique value.


  • The color of the border can be defined by referencing a Color Token

Border Width

Stroke Style

  • The plugin doesn't have a dedicated Token for this property, it is defined by entering in the string value solid or dashed.

It's important to note that radius properties are not a part of the Border Token and need to be applied independently.

Border Tokens can be attached to Effect Styles in Figma. Tokens Studio also supports Styles with Variable References.

→ Read the Export to Figma overview for more details

Design properties

A Border Token can define each side of the design element independently.

  • You choose which side of the element to apply the token by right-clicking on the token to see your options.
    • If you click to apply this token to an element without accessing the right-click token menu, the border properties will be applied to all sides.

While the Border Token can be applied to independent sides of a design element, Figma does not yet support independent colors on the same element.

If you apply more than one Border Token to the same layer with independent colors defined, the last Token applied will change the color value on all sides.

→ See Figma's docs on Apply and Adjust Stroke Properties

1. All

All applies the same border properties to all sides of the element.

2. Top

Top applies the border property to the highest side of the element on the X-axis.

3. Right

Right applies the border property to the right side of the element on the Y-axis.

4. Bottom

Bottom applies the border property to the lowest side of the element on the X-axis.

5. Left

Left applies the border property to the right left of the element on the Y-axis.

Possible values

Like all Composite Tokens, you define the value of each property individually. When you create the Border Token in the plugin, you can Reference each Token you've already created as a property in the Composition Token Value or enter a hard-coded value.

The best practice is to define all parts of a Composite Token, even with a null/none value, rather than to leave it empty.

The independent Token Type of each property within the Border Composite Token has unique specifications. Select the Token Type below to get more details.
- Color Token
- Number Token for Border Width
- Dimension Token for Border Width

Hard coded values

The color property is the same as the Color Token input which accepts modified colors, values from various color spaces, and the use of a color picker.

Read the Color Token guide for more details

The border width property accepts any of these numeric values:

  • Positive or negative numbers.
  • Decimal numbers.
  • With or without units.

The stroke style property accepts either of these string values:

  • solid
  • dashed

Values that reference another Token

If you'd prefer to reference an existing Border Composite Token as the value instead of defining each Property, select the Token's Reference mode button (2x2 circle icon).

When trying to reference another Token as the Value for a Border Token, you will see:

  • Tokens living in Token Sets that are currently active.
    • In the left menu on the plugin's Tokens page, a checkmark is visible next to the Token Set name.
  • Token Type is compatible:
    • border

However, like all token types, you can "force" a reference by manually entering the token name between curly brackets.

The value will show a broken reference until the originating token set is marked as enabled.

→ Jump to the Token Values with References guide for more details

W3C DTCG Token Format

border is an official token type in the in the W3C Design Token Community Group specifications. 9.3 Border

Tokens Studio has approached our Border Token differently than how it is defined in the current W3C spec:

  • We allow the borderWidth property to be a number or dimension Token Type where the spec defines only dimension.
    • We allow unitless numbers where the spec defines a dimension property which must include a unit.
  • The spec allows for a dedicated borderStyle Token Type, which we do not yet support.

As we move towards more closely aligning with the W3C DTCG specifications, we may adjust the Border Composite Token in the future.

Transforming Tokens

Engineers typically transform Tokens used in code with Style Dictionary, which is tool-agnostic. Tokens coming from Tokens Studio require an additional step: @Tokens-studio/sd-transforms, an npm package that prepares Tokens for Style Dictionary.

When transforming Border Tokens, which are Composite Tokens, there are specific configurations to be aware of.

Composite Tokens require the SD-Transforms option to expand composite Tokens into multiple Tokens.

Make sure you look at the generic SD-Transforms package to include this option, which allows you to further customize this transformation further using Style Dictionary.

SD-Transforms Read-Me Doc, Using the preprocessor
SD-Transforms Read-Me Doc, Using Expand

"object, object"
When you transform your Border Tokens and they show "object, object", it means your SD-Transforms configuration needs to be adjusted to include "expand".

If the borderWidth property is entered as a number without a unit, the ts/size/pxx transform will convert the value to a number with pixels as a unit.

SD-Transforms Read-Me Doc, ts/size/px


Mentioned in this doc:

Figma resources:

CSS resources:

Community resources:

  • None yet!

💡 Something to share? Submit it here!

Known issues and bugs

Tokens Studio Plugin GitHub - Open Issues for Token Type Border

  • Caps For Dashed Value in Border Composite Token Does Not Work #2975
    • The string value Dashed or DASHED does not work as expected, only dashed is accepted.
  • Separated borders override colors #2236
    • Applying independent borders with different colors does not work as expected.

🐞 If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please reach out to us on the Troubleshooting channel of our community Slack, or submit it on our feedback tool.

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Last updated on September 9, 2024