Token Types

Boolean Token

The Boolean Token allows you to capture layer visibility as a Design Token. It does not control component properties, as Figma doesn't allow it.

Design decisions defined by Boolean Tokens

Boolean Tokens are great for hiding or showing layers that may be visible within a component under certain conditions.

For example, a card with some actions that are only visible once the card has been interacted with.

  • You could create two Boolean Tokens:
    • with a value as false.
    • with values as true.
  • Then, apply the Boolean Tokens to the Actions layer of each variation of the card design.

Boolean Tokens can be attached to Boolean Variables in Figma.

→ Jump to the Export to Figma overview for more details on Boolean Tokens as Variables

Possible values

The use of capital letters and spaces is important when writing string values for Design Tokens, so be sure to write your Boolean Token value with:

  • All lowercase letters.
  • No spaces.

Hardcoded string values

There are only two possible values for the Boolean Token:

  • true
    • The layer is visible.
  • false
    • The layer is not visible.

Values that reference another Token

When trying to reference another Token as the Value for a Boolean Token, you will see

  • Tokens living in Token Sets that are currently active.
    • In the left menu on the plugin's Tokens page, a checkmark is visible next to the Token Set name.
  • Token Type is compatible:
    • The same = boolean

However, like all Token types, you can "force" a reference by manually entering the Token name between curly brackets.

The value will show a broken reference until the originating Token set is marked as enabled.

→ Jump to the Token Values with References guide for more details

W3C DTCG Token Format

boolean is not yet an official Token Type in the W3C DTCG specifications. Tokens Studio has added Boolean as a Token Type to support Figma's Boolean Variable.

Transforming Tokens

Engineers typically transform Tokens used in code with Style Dictionary, which is tool-agnostic. Tokens coming from Tokens Studio require an additional step: @Tokens-studio/sd-transforms, an npm package that prepares Tokens for Style Dictionary.

When transforming Boolean Tokens, there are no specific configurations to be aware of. Running the SD-Transforms pre-processor as part of the generic package will prep your Boolean Tokens for Style Dictionary.

SD-Transforms Read-Me Doc, Using the preprocessor


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Known issues and bugs

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Last updated on September 9, 2024