Token Types

Color Token

Color Tokens support color properties applied to many different design elements, including:

  • Containers like frames, groups, and shapes
  • Text
  • Graphic elements

Design decisions defined by Color Tokens

Color Tokens define the visibility and emphasis of design elements, ensuring we can read text easily, see the difference between objects in the background and foreground, and help us identify what we should pay attention to.

This doesn't quite match the CSS definition for color, which focuses on the foreground color of text elements specifically.

  • Many of the properties supported by this token are individually defined in CSS.

Color Tokens can be used to define these design properties:

  • Fill color
  • Border color
  • Shadow color

You can also create Color Styles and Color Variables in Figma from Color Tokens

Read the Export to Figma guide for more details

Design properties

A Color Token can define the fill or border color of a design element.

  • You choose which property to apply by right-clicking on the token to see your options.
    • If you click to apply this token to an element without accessing the right-click token menu, the color property will be applied as fill by default.

1. All

All applies the same border properties to all sides of the element.

2. Top

Top applies the border property to the highest side of the element on the X-axis.

Possible values

Depending on how you write the value of your Color Tokens you can achieve:

  • Solid color
    • Values written with full opacity
    • For example, a Hex color that is black #000000
  • Reduced opacity
    • Values written with reduced opacity
    • For example, an RGBA color that is black at 10% opacity rgba(0,0,0,0.1)
  • Gradients
  • Modified colors (pro feature)

Color spaces

Using the plugin for Figma, you can define your Color Tokens in the following color spaces:

  • Solid colors
    • Hex: #ff0000
    • RGB: rgb(255, 0, 0)
  • Reduced opacity with alpha values
    • RGBA: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)
    • ARGB: #80FFFF00 (also known as Hex8)
    • HSLA: `hsla(120, 50%, 50%, 1)
  • Modified colors - Pro feature
    • LCH
    • SRGB
    • P3
    • HSL

When you create a Color Token using a color space that is not Hex, the plugin will resolve the color to the equivalent Hex value. This is based on restrictions of the current W3C DTCG specification for Color Tokens.

Values that reference another Token

When trying to reference another Token as the Value for a Color Token, you will see

  • Tokens living in Token Sets that are currently active.
    • In the left menu on the plugin's Tokens page, a checkmark is visible next to the Token Set name.
  • Token Type is compatible:
    • The same = color

However, like all token types, you can "force" a reference by manually entering the token name between curly brackets.

The value will show a broken reference until the originating token set is marked as enabled.

Jump to the Token Values with References guide for more details

Compatible Token types

After you've created Color Tokens, they can be referenced in these compatible Token Types:

Color picker

Like all tokens in the plugin, you can Create a Color Token by opening its Create New Token form and defining the Token Name and Value.

However, Color Tokens can also be created using a Color Picker, accessible by selecting the color swatch to the left of the Token Value Input.

You can also use the Color Modifier (pro feature) with the Color Picker.

Reduced opacity (transparency)

Defining the Value of your Color Token as RGBA, HSLA or ARGB allows you to use the alpha value built into these color spaces.

The alpha modifier adjusts the opacity of the color.

In RGBA and HSLA the alpha value is defined as a numeric value that represents a percentage of adjustment for fine-grained control of transparency.

  • 0 = fully transparent (0%), making the color invisible
  • 0.5 = 50% opacity, making the color semi-transparent
  • 1 = fully opaque (100%)

For example, if you want a Color Token that is black with a 25% opacity you would write the value of the token to be:



hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.25)

The ARGB format is sometimes called "Hex 8" by developers because it uses 8 hexadecimal digits: the first two digits represent the alpha (opacity) channel, and the next six digits represent the RGB color channels.

If we were to write the same Color Token that is black with a 25% opacity in ARGB it's value would be:


Opacity with referenced Tokens

You can reference an existing Token as a part of an RGBA or HSLA Token Value to create a reduced opacity version of that Token.

For example:

rgba({colors.grey.900}, 0.06)

Creates a new token which references the grey.900 Token with only 6% opacity.

Known issue
When the value of a Color Token with reduced opacity includes a reference to another Color Token which has reduced opacity, the resolved value is incorrect.

It's also possible to write your RGBA or HSLA Token Value by referencing a Color Token and a unitless Number Token in the value.

For example, a Number Token called brand.opacity.border.default with a value of 0.06 would be added to the example above:

rgba({colors.grey.900}, {brand.opacity.border.default})

Known issue
When the value of a Color Token with reduced opacity includes a reference to an opacity Token instead of a number Token, the plugin may resolve the value correctly, when exporting to Figma or Code, there could be issues.

Ensure you are using a unitless Number Token. The Opacity Token Type in the plugin is intended for layer visibility in Figma only, not for use in Color Tokens as a modifier.

Read the Opacity Token Type guide for more details.

Opacity in the color picker

If you prefer a visual way to create reduced opacity Color Tokens you can open the color picker tool in the plugin (instructions above).

The opacity can be defined in the color picker by:

  • Typing the alpha value between 0 and 1 in the last input.
  • Adjusting the second slider which controls the alpha value.

Modified colors (pro feature)

The plugin supports creating dynamic colors by modifying a base color through the use of certain parameters:

  • Lighten
  • Darken
  • Mix
  • Alpha

Read the Color Modifiers guide for more details


The plugin currently supports Gradient Colors within a Color Token by writing the value to match CSS gradients.

Read the Gradients guide for more detials

Color Styles with Variable references

Color Tokens can be Exported to Figma as Color Styles that reference Color Variables.

Before you export your Color Tokens to Figma as styles, ensure your:

  • Color Tokens you want to export as Styles, have Values referencing another Color Token.
  • Color variables have been created and are attached to the Referenced Color Tokens.

When you Export to Figma as Color Styles, ensure:

  • The option for Color styles is selected.
  • The option for Create styles with variable references is selected.
  • Themes and token sets where the referenced Tokens are located are active.
  • Themes and token sets where the variables are attached may need to be configured as reference only.

Read the Export to Figma Styles with Variable References for more details and troubleshooting tips.

W3C DTCG Token Format

Color is an official token type in the W3C DTCG specifications (8.1 Color) which is currently being updated to define expanded support for additional color spaces.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Join the conversation on Featurebase.

Transforming Tokens

Engineers typically transform Tokens used in code with Style Dictionary, which is tool-agnostic. Tokens coming from Tokens Studio require an additional step: @Tokens-studio/sd-transforms, an npm package that prepares Tokens for Style Dictionary.

When transforming Color Tokens with gradient values, there are specific configurations to be aware of.

The SD-Transforms generic package will convert color token values with Figma's "hex code RGBA" into actual rgba() format for CSS.

SD-Transforms Read-Me Doc, ts/color/css/hexrgba


Mentioned in this doc:

Figma resources:

CSS resources:

Community resources:

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Known issues and bugs

Tokens Studio Plugin GitHub - Open issues for Token Type Color

  • Referencing a (base+opacity) and adding another opacity to that, doesn't give the correct result #1822
    • When the value of a Color Token with reduced opacity includes a reference to another Color Token which has reduced opacity, the resolved value is incorrect.

🐞 If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please reach out to us on the Troubleshooting channel of our community Slack, or submit it on our feedback tool.

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Last updated on September 20, 2024