Variables and Styles
Export Sets to Figma

Export to Figma from Token Sets

Free licence holders for Tokens Studio can attach their Tokens to Styles and Variables in Figma by Exporting to Figma from Token Sets.

This has some limited capabilities compared to when you Export to Figma from Themes (Pro).

  • Create and maintain Styles and Variables in Figma powered by Token Sets in the plugin.
    • A Variable collection is created for each Token Set exported.
    • Creating modes within a Variable Collection is not possible when exporting from Token Sets.
  • Choose which Token Sets are attached to Styles and Variables.
    • Styles can have Variable references.
  • Local Styles and Variables supported (within the same Figma File).
    • Non-local Variable references are not possible when exporting from Token Sets.

Read the Export to Figma from Themes guide for more details on these features.

How it works

Once you have created Tokens in the plugin, select the Styles & Variables Button from the Tokens page.

Choose the Export styles & variables option.

The Export Options menu will open and allow you to choose which actions the plugin should perform on the Tokens included in your export:

  • Export your tokens as Variables, Styles or both.
  • Choose any Style export specific settings.
  • Choose any update specific settings.

Read the Export to Figma Options guide for more details.

Once you confirm your Options, you'll see the Export as Token Sets or Themes page. This is where you choose which Tokens are included in your export.

  • If you have a Free licence for Tokens Studio, you'll be brought directly to the Token Sets tab.

Export from Token Sets

The Export from Token Sets page will display the Number of Token Sets selected for export.

By default, the number of Token Sets selected will match the configuration from the plugin's Tokens Page before you start the Export process.

  • For example, if only my "Primitive" Token Set was Enabled with the checkmark visible next to the Token Set Name on the left side of the Tokens Page, my Export from Token Sets would say 1 of X Sets selected for export.

Token Sets with a status of Reference/Set as Source are not included in the count.

Change Sets and their export status

You can select the Change Sets button to review and adjust your Token Set configuration.

You'll see a list of all Token Set Names you've already created and their Export status.

  • Adjust the status by changing the Toggle next to the token name

By changing the status of your Token Sets, you are telling the plugin which Tokens Sets should be included in the Export.

  • The plugin applies your Export Options to all compatible tokens included in the Export.

Enabled Token Sets are exported

Token Sets with the toggle active on the checkmark icon are Enabled and will be included in the Export.

These Tokens are created or updated as Styles and Variables, depending on your Export Options.

Reference Token Sets are included in the export

Token Sets with the toggle active on the curly bracket icon have the Reference Only status.

They are not directly exported, but this status reminds the Plugin that these token sets work together with the Enabled Token Sets and should be included in the export in a limited capacity.

  • Changes to the values of Tokens in Reference Only sets are not updated during the export.
  • Tokens added or removed in Reference Only sets are not updated during the export.

You can run a second Export with only these Token Sets as Enabled if you want to fully update Figma with changes you've made in the plugin.

Disabled Token Sets are ignored

Token Sets with the toggle active on the x icon have the Disabled status and will be ignored during the export status.

If Tokens were updated or new Tokens were added to these Tokens Sets, this information will not be passed on to Figma during the Export.

Confirm and complete the Export to Figma

Once you have confirmed the Token Sets to be included in the Export, you'll return to the Export from Token Sets page.

If needed, you can review the Export Options by selecting the Options button from the bottom of the plugin.

Read the Export to Figma Options guide for more details.

Select the Export to Figma button at the bottom of the plugin to complete the process.

Export as Variables feedback messages

When exporting Variables, you'll see a feedback message at the bottom of your Figma file depending on your configuration.

  • If you are creating new Collections of Variables or adding Variables within an existing collection, the message will show a count of what was created (right side of the image below).
  • If you are updating existing Variables, the message will tell you that no Variables were created, but will not tell you that Variables were changed (left side of the image below).

Check your exported Styles and Variables

Check the exported Styles and Variables to ensure you have the output to Figma you expected.

  • This is highly variable based on the combination of the Export Options and the Token Sets you selected to export.

Recall that each export is limited to the Tokens included in the Sets selected for this Export.

  • This means you may have to repeat the Export to Figma process with different configurations to update your Styles and Variables completely.

However, if you have unexpected results, review these guides, which cover the common troubleshooting tips:

Limitations with Variables

There are some known limitations between Tokens Studio and Figma Variables.

Scoping and Hide from Publishing

Tokens Studio is not able to control Figma's Scoping or Hide from Publishing features.

  • Once you've created the Variables, you can use the Figma native UI to adjust the desired settings.

Tokens skipped when exporting as Variables

When Exporting to Figma, the plugin sometimes can't create or update your Variables as expected.

Read the Skipped Variables when Exporting to Figma guide for full details.


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